HOSA is an international career and technical student organization (CTSO) endorsed by the US department of education. I have been visiting HOSA meeting to promote high school students to be future health professionals especially bioengineers by introducing my career as well as having an open chat session with students from Martin High School and Lamar High School in Arlington, TX,
Special Experience for Advanced Research (SEAR) for High school students
We provide research experience opportunities to local high school students every summer since 2017. During the pandemic, this activity was modified to support remote learning. Impressively, our remotely-mentored high school students learned deep-learning for auto cardiomyocyte segmentation, so we acknowledged their efforts in our publications.
Zebrafish Summer Institute
Founded in 2018 with Dr. Hajeri at UT Dallas and UTSW medical center. Thank you so much Dr. Dr. Hajeri for idea of initiation. Also, a big thank you to STATE FARM for supporting the program. Https://Youtu.Be/Xp56uw1XFT
TalkSTEM(WalkSTEM event)
Participating a walkSTEM events as an educator for preK-12 students to demonstrate fun science projects at Dallas Arts District